Pay per click is a demanding task to do. As it is demanding, it is very much possible that you will not receive the desired results you need. Even when your Pay per click campaign is not working well and not giving you the desired return on investment results, it will important not to abandon all of the strategies applied. Here comes the importance of metric tracking. When you are monitoring some of the key performance metrics in PPC you can get an idea of where the actual problem is. In further details, we will learn more about PPC campaigns and its importance of success.

The key metrics to measure in your PPC Campaigns

When a pay per click consultant is measuring the success of your Pay per click, there are some important metrics that need to be taken care of:

  1. Click through rates (CTR): This is one of the most effective and important metrics in the PPC campaign. This is popular because here the Ad’s are considered relevant and it will boost the growth of your Pay per click campaign. This will also result in more conversions. The click through rate is calculated by the number of users clicking on your ads by the number of impressions. CTR is one of the quickest and easiest way to measure the success of your campaign.
  2. CPC (Cost Per Click): This measures the actual individual cost when a user clicks on your ad. The CPC is measured by the cost of the campaign and then dividing by the number of clicks the ads get. Here you can set up a maximum CPC to ensure that you don’t end up overpaying on every click
  3. The Conversion Rate: The conversion rates see how many users are actually converting into customers when they click in to your product or service. A conversion rate is the percentage of the conversions in per as interaction.

The importance of Landing page Optimization:

The landing page optimization is a term used to improve your web page design and its layout where the main goal is to increase conversions, turning the users into loyal customer and enhancing the user experience. Here are the 3 stages of Landing page optimization:

Stage 1: Knowing the problems that are with the landing page design or its functions: Here the problems are seen and focus is made to lower the conversion rates and a higher bounce rate.

Stage 2: Using of AB testing to improve the pages: Testing the page elements such as Fonts, forms, copy and call to action to know what’s required to achieve the goals.

Stage 3: Measuring the effect of conversion rate to track the success: when you analyze the user data, it can help you what elements are important for your conversion rate.

The Benefits of Optimizing your landing page:

In digital marketing, landing pages hold a significant value. Let us see the advantages of optimizing the landing pages:

  1. User experience is enhanced
  2. More conversion optimization
  3. Lower customer costs.

With just a few tweaks, you can maximize your landing pages and boost campaigns success. The landing pages are valuable to both the customer are the marketer.


The best practices to make your PPC campaign successful

Achieving constant success in your Pay per click campaigns can be crucial. But there are the best practices that a Pay per click consultant needs to adhere to:

  1. Monitor the metrics on regular basis.
  2. Conduct the testing such as the A/B testing
  3. Employing data segmentation
  4. Concentrate on keywords with high performance
  5. Stay up to date with the data privacy regulations.
  6. Consistently enhance your approach


To achieve optimal outcomes with your Pay Per Click Consultant, it is advisable not to limit your advertising to a single platform. By simultaneously utilizing multiple platforms, you can expand your reach and effectively leverage social media advertising. As we have seen above, the Pay per click campaign will not only boost your overall business but will also turn your users in to loyal customers and hence sales.